Video:Chaos at Zion hostel unijos as thief's entered.

 Video: chaos at female Zion hostel university of jos as thief entered 

As at 9pm today 26th of November 2022.there was serious chaos at Zion hostel of university of jos,according to an eye witness what they thief's normally did is  that they will hide around the girls bathroom  around 8pm they will wait for those girls coming with their phone touch light to bath,that's if there  is no light in the hostel,then they will grab the phone and ran away with it,or they will  wait until 11pm if you leave your door open they will enter and steal your belongings.

So luckily today there was a girl coming out from the second floor and she saw the  theif coming out and she started  chanting great Jossite!great Jossite!! And all they girls in the hostel came out but it was very unfortunate  the thief jump through the back fence and ran away before the securities came.

The students staying in the hostel are calling on the school management to take a precautional measures to prevent future occurrence or if possible they school management should mount CCTV cameras  all over the hostel fully supervise by the security department. 


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